Bureau Veritas Sports Promotion
Welcome to the Bureau Veritas Sports promotion, by using our water bottles instead of purchasing new bottles of water when doing sporting activities, together we can help reduce the amount plastic waste which ends up in around our planet.
Simply fill in your details below to receive your FREE Bureau Veritas CPS water bottle.

Don’t forget, as an added incentive, if you take a picture with yourself in a sporting environment you can upload it HERE to be in with a chance of winning a SMART WATCH!

Closing date for uploads is the 24th July 2019.
Company name
First Name*
Last name
Do ,you have a requirement to test products?*
By completing this application you will automatically be added to our marketing list and will start to receive our regular newsletters. If you would like to be removed from this list at a later time, you can unsubscribe from the link in our emails.